Invader Fuzzytalon
Hello! My name's Fuzzytalon, you can call me Fuzzy or Johnny! I'm a 25 year old guy from Arizona with too many hobbies.Feel free to talk with me, I'm more scared of you than you are of me I'm sure, and I love to make friends!My twitter's not very retweet heavy!! Mutuals can ask about my private twitters, I'm not very selective!Last edited: 4/14/023 - 3:03 AM
25 (1/28/98)
male, he/him
white / hispanic / latino
not cis or het
BS in Applied Biological Sciences
minored in Studio Art
certificate in Wildlife Management
emo/scene kid wannabe but can't commit to aesthetics
I do the following things to some extent!
-2D digital art and animation
-traditional 2D art
-sewing and embroidery (I specialize in making backpacks/itabags!)
-cosplay and fursuit making/wearing
-resin work
-3D art
-cooking and baking
-playing video games (somewhat)
-learning guitar and piano (very poorly so far)
Interests / Fandoms
I don't talk about/rt a lot about/participate in my interests+fandoms necessarily but here are some notable ones. I am liable to hyperfixation without notice.Special Interests:
-warrior cats
-biologyProminent Fandoms:
-Promare (dormant)
-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (dormant)Misc Interests:
-Black Veil Brides
-other bands/artists including but not limited to: Linkin Park, Franz Ferdinand, Dio, Oomph!, Eisbrecher, 100 gecs, Glass Animals, Beast in Black, Bloodywood
-biology, zoology, and ecology
-sewing and costuming (some focus on backpacks, itabags, and kigus)
-nintendo games
-collecting (perhaps I have problems)In addition, I really enjoy my warrior cats OCs for if I ever get back around to my story, Rose-Tinted Rot.(I don't feel like listing a bunch of smaller interest/fandom things, but feel free to ask if you'd like!)
BYF / DFI / Blacklist / Other
Standard don't follow if you're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything of that nature. This should be a given.I don't mute or blacklist anything, so no need to tag things for me but feel free to tell me if you need me to tag anything important!! I may be forgetful just reading off your own blacklists but I'll try my best!I took the photo for the background of this carrd in March 2018 during a field trip, it's somewhere south of Phoenix, Arizona.
Kins or something I guess
It's 2020 and I get to choose the carrd pages
Anyway kinning isn't that important to me it's just some form of connection to characters for fun or what I guess is coping.This is the only one that really matters:
•Ashfur [warrior cats]
I hate this stupid cat. I know he is stupid and bad. But if 13 year old me knew what kinning was I would have been insufferable and unstoppable. And I think that's kinda funny.

The rest of these are an unsorted list (sorted only by fandom prominence in my brain). No specification who's a kin and who's a comfort/emotional support character. Some are both. Who knows. Do what you will with this information•Lio Fotia [Promare]
•Galo Thymos [Promare]
•Meis [Promare]
•Gueira [Promare]
•Bakugou Katsuki [BNHA]
•Midoriya Izuku [BNHA]
•Torchic [Pokémon]
•Eevee [Pokémon]
•Sunkern [Pokémon]
•Kakyoin Noriyaki [JJBA]
•Johnny Joestar [JJBA]
•Diego Brando [JJBA]
•Sei [DMMD]
•Nny [JTHM]
•Hogarth Hughes [The Iron Giant]
Otherkins I Guess:
•domestic cats [Felis catus]
•domestic goats [Capra aegagrus hircus]
•bighorn sheep [Ovis canadensis]
Disclaimer: I am aware there's some questionable characters here but trust me I am gentle. Feel free to ask me about things if you want
The website links are the sites I use most. While I have other social media it's difficult for me to keep track of more than one or two at a time.
Main Twitter / YouTube / Art Twitter / Art Instagram / Business Trello / Main Tumblr / CuriousCat / MyFigureCollection
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